The judgment of the previous case
Memo Order No. 06 villages adalatamokaddama bangakham Union Council No. 662012 upazila / thana headquarters, district laksmipuradarakhasatmakarih Mohammad Noor Alam, Mohammad halipha ÿ summoned the guard Gong adilapura adilapura
The order of the order no
06/03/2013 The plaintiff is present, the defendant has not appeared. No contact was made. The nominated representatives of Badi are present. I heard the statement of the leader. The plaintiff claimed that his gaurinagara village dieisa bibadipa ÿ 167 and 989 spots No. 774823825826830 bhahakta record 02 grand occupied land enjoy dings. Gaurinagar Mauser DS 266. Claimed by the plaintiff No. 774823825826830 and the owner of record --- 167 enrolled 989 spots (ii) the land of the two dings right achebibiadipa ------- ------ ÿ genus buyer and torture is so loud baliyana Seeming The plaintiff is required to be given the-------------- of the High Court
Kazi Anwar Hossain's health pratinidhiganera ÿ (Kajol), chairman of the Union parisadasadara bangakham No. 06, Lakshmipur.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS