Bangladesh Institute of Theater Arts (BETA), Laxmipur
Office Name Bangladesh Institute of Theater Arts (Beta)
Office of the Office of the Chief Coordination Office, 753, Mehedibag, Chittagong -4000 Beta Regional Coordination OfficeDebi Road, South Majupur, Laxmipur.
Citizen Charter Note: The work of commutation is ongoing. Will be submitted after completion.
1. Name of the organization Bangladesh Institute of Theater Arts (Beta)
2. Registration No. NGO Affairs Bureau, Ordinance No. 46, 1978; Registration No- 873
3. Address of main coordination office Beta, 753, Mehdibagh, Chittagong -4000
4. Mobile / Phone No. 031-618562, 610262
5. E-mail
6. Regional Office Address Beta Regional Coordination Office, DB Road, South Majupur, Laxmipur
7. Mobile / Phone No. 0381-6228
8. E-mail:
9. Number of manpower 114
The name of the project is named The Royal Danish Ambassi, Dhaka
The term for the Culture for People of People (CEP) program is March 2008 to August 2011 (No cost extension upto December'11)
The area of action of the divisional organization: Lakshmipur (Ramganj), Noakhali (Sadar, Begumganj, Kabirhat); Work area of direct area - Lakshmipur (Sadar, Ramgati, Raipur), Feni (Chagalnaya)
Empowering people, establishing human rights and living standards through cultural incentives of the project
Implemented activities CEP activities: Human rights training, culture and development training, theater practice and presentation training training, development dramatics training, skill development training, issue-based drama exhibitions, different activities on the basis of partnership with local NGOs, different day observance, TED activities, civil society With exchange of views, different services Grassroots organization composed of artists, who karmajala, production, development of staff skills.
Number of participants / noted stakeholders 300 personality artists, 3 partner organizations, 630 school teachers, 12600 school students, 396 cultural workers and professionals, 500,000 community people
The name of the project is named by the European Union and the Akhmaam GB Bangladesh chapter
Strengthening NSAs to claim rights and services for extreme marginalized and social excluded communities of Bangladesh (NSA) project period September 2010 to August 2013
Action Area Action- Lakshmipur (Sadar, Raipur, Ramgati), Noakhali (Sadar, Begumganj, Kabirhat), Chittagong (City Corporation)
Increasing the capability of civil society and mass organizations to create sustainable access to project type helpless and miserable and financially, socially and physically related to women and men's essential services and economic activities.
Implemented activities NSA activities: Formation of Union Development Committee (UDC), Formation of Non-State Act (NSA), Interaction with the Service Provider, Creating Risk and Property Map, Keeping Day, Campaign, Making the list of poor and poor, training, creating visible materials, Employee skill development training, press conference, database of labor force database, PVCA, monthly UDC Meeting, UP budget trekking meeting, biennial coordination meeting, coordination meeting with Seriqi organization, round table meeting at district level.
Number of participants / noted stakeholders, CBO, socially marginalized marginal population, local government, media
The name of the project is named as SDLG-USAID
SDAG Grants Program - Local Government Finding the Term of the Project, from December 2011 to November 2013
Action Area Laxmipur and Chandpur District.
The type of project will increase the capacity of the local government organization, contributing to public participation in the local government system and the establishment of participatory public administration.
Implemented activities Local government unit-based planning meetings, subject-based training and refresher training (financial management and revenue collection, monitoring of service delivery, participatory strategic planning, service delivery and follow-up workshop on training results) Orientation, training, collective taxes Monitoring maparikalpana workshops and support) Social Monitoring (training, workshops, data collection, data analysis and report preparation, public dialogue, learning and experience exchange meetings), observe, project introduction meeting
Number of participants / noted stakeholders Local government representatives, local people, local organizations, professional population
Name of the project is named HelpAge International, Bangladesh
Accelerate Livelihood of Left-Back Older Workforce (ALLOW) Project's expiration from October 2011 to September 2014
Action Area Lakshmipur (Ramgati)
The nature of the project is to create a positive attitude towards the poor people of the society by increasing their public awareness and creating public opinion, capacity building to combat disaster risk and improving the quality of life of the elders through livelihood program.
Implemented activities: Community Support Center structure; Improvement of skill development; Development training; Cash assistance; Health camp; Communication meeting with market committee; Marketing of products; Marketing skill development; Disaster risk training; Training workshop with different service providers, Advocacy meeting;